Wednesday, September 24, 2008

ripping youtube videos

So you find a nice you tube video, maybe you want to use it in a presentation or edit it down..who do you save it?

Well look no further, here is the answer, if you know about firefox and add-ons then go to step 3

1) use firefefox browser, if you never heard of that then it's time you did, it's a browser, better than windows explorer download for free here

2) Next you need to get a thing called an add-on, these are things that add extra functions, so from firefox open you go:

tools--> Add-ons

then a window opens and att the top there are two icons, a jigsaw piece that says extensions and an artist's palate that says themes

click on extensions

bottom right click on Get Extensions

this opens a window with a searchbox for add-ons

type downloadhelper

then restart firefox, skip step 3 go to step 4

3. Fore firefox people just add download helper here

4. go to your youtube page say for example

little britain usa

5. then you'll see an icon that looks like this on the firefox toolbar.

If you dont then fiddle with toolbars customisation

6. Then click on the arrow next to the icon and select the flv file, then save it somewhere

7. flv file>??? what use is that? none. so need to convert it

8. here

9. this program is the dogs with regards to conversion to mpg avi etc

no funny business with watermarks and partial conversions etc

so there you go

more free stuff for nothing as per usual from perrier

by the way, no one has asked me about a family doctor

does anyone want one or not? let me know the guy's not taking new patients foreverer

be good

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