Monday, September 14, 2009

going going nearly gone

At the risk of turning this into a dieting blog, a while back I posted my gut and attempts to get rid of it. Here it is again, I lost a stone or more by combination of running and calorie counting, and I am sticking my gut out as far as it can go so no one can think I'm sucking it in....

week 1

Week 3

week 8

Week 31

Week 54
so I am 13 stone and could lose another 10lbs or so take 5 weeks unpleasantly or 10 weeks less unpleasantly..So a year back i had just started jogging and was told i'd have to be on statins

it has been v tough and has required being very anal at times but doable the worst thing is wanting results fast....


Jonosapien said...

Hi Perrier,

I'm researching the health & fitness industry in Montreal - basically trying to find out what online resources are available in the way of health & fitness blogs, Twitterers, websites. I was googling and came across your page, and thought that - given you've clearly been working on shedding some pounds and that from the rest of your blog, you seem to find some helpful stuff online - you might know of some resources. If anything comes to mind, I'd be hugely grateful if you'd reply with some links. Cheers!

perrier said...

Nothing Montreal specific comes to mind except the two next half marathons:

in April
and June