Monday, June 1, 2009

Get on yer Bixi, montreal bike rental scheme

I think I am not alone in thinking this is a complete waste of time and as there are 300 stations I'd say that's 600 parking spaces wasted.

Bixi is the new Montreal bike renting scam whereby you can be lumbered with a rubbish bike at $250 liability to you and 30 minutes are free and its $80 a year plus no doubt deductible tax (so why charge it morans?)

Don't get me wrong I'm all for less cars but just buy a bike from Canadian Tire and create some real jobs, they cost $100 (plus non-deductible tax......go figure) and it's really cool you can lock it up wherever you like and even take it home and the first 3 years is FREE.

The stupidity of it makes me want to kick the spokes in, but that would be childish...I can't believe the Observer didn't sack their monkey of a journalist for making them pay her to come here and write a pile of crap about how good it is. It's the same scheme they had in Paris some years ago.

I understand it is a private scheme so they better not have used one $ of my tax to pay for this lunacy, or else I'll swear a lot.


Anonymous said...

Actually its a great system for some. I have a bike, but I don't want to take it to work for a number of reasons (nowhere secure to park, I might not want to ride it home - or vice versa). I tend to work late and use taxis to come home quickly from work as there are no direct bus lines. This usually costs me around $10 per trip. Since starting my subscription to Bixi I have already recouperated the costs of my membership in terms of taxi rides. I couldn't be happier with the service.

perrier said...

Well that's a good point, nowhere secure to leave it. Everyone I know who has a bike including me has had one stolen. I'd be up for bike parks like in Holland and Japan.

Anonymous said...

seemed like a good idea. not only did the bikes not "Dock" into their stations when we were done (3 out of 4 did not work!) they charged three of us more than $200 for an hour - each of us have to contest it with our credit card company. rip off and pain in the ass - DO NOT USE BIXI

ikta said...

we pay taxes everyday, bixi should be totally free for every montrealer. I don't use credit cards and it is the proof of a scam that they oblige you to have one just to gt a 1 hour ride. I have a bike i bought for 40 CAD, and i amusing it since 5 years now, annual payment, nothing. Yes? bixi is another scam to get our tax money pay private interests. Who is tinto alcan anyways