Saturday, June 14, 2008


If you ask me....and you didn't...this person should have won the Nobel Prize, not that Al Gore.
I am sooo tired of the consumer being blamed for wasting resources when it is the manufacturers who give us our consumer choices.

The fridge..not modified since the 50's, open the door...whoosh out comes the cold air. Look what this guy achieved..100Wh per day! Why can't GE manage this? The only choice we have now is the colour. We should demand more efficient products and there should be legislation to enforce it.

I point to the average fuel economy of cars in the states that only went up after Carter made it the law, ( as I learnt from the film "who killed the electric car?") as discussed here.

Manufacturers who design products to fail after warranty should be strung up. It is not buying things that is the problem it is that they are designed to be thrown away and no thought is given to how they are thrown away. I still use an ironing board from my parents that pre-dates me, the other new ones have all been and gone, flimsy crappy things that became unusable and unrepairable in a few months.

On that note I see that propane conversion of SUVs in Montreal seems to be unheard next project is to look into this, I only found this one in Montreal...
Entreprises Climauto Ltée (Les)
11390 Avenue Arthur-Nantel
Montréal, QC H1E 6V2
514-494-7394 (télécopieur)

I am thinking to get a VW like this guy and convert it... One day.....follow the instructions

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