Sunday, October 23, 2011

free calls & Google voice in canada

Probably worth pointing out that the technology has moved on. No need for messing about. Just get a working google voice number, see below or google how, then use acrobits softphone app (android or Apple) and set it up in there. There are quite a few others that'll do it too, talkatone, talkonaut, these two have the advantage you can text to Canada and the states for free. You can get incoming calls and dial out but be warned, quality is crap. It's good for shouting a quick message but not for long calls unless you're on very good wifi connection or 3G.

Find lost ipod

Problem with ipods you can't call them right? However if you lose them at home, and you have wireless and you lost it up to a week or so ago you maybe in luck.

Get onto your wireless router config page and find the list of devices. On Tomato there is a device list that has a quality indicator that shows how strong signal is. If you can't identify which device MAC Addres is the ipod (look for a OUI tab), and turning stuff off doesn't help, search the first 6 digits of MAC adress here (capitals, no colons or spaces.
Lynksys might be here, you need to hunt it down
1.Go to the Setup tab.
2.Scroll down to 'DHCP Server' enable it.
3.Click on the "Status" tab and then on "Local Network".
4.Click "DHCP Clients Table".

Then you need to move the wireless router switched on but not plugged to internet around your house and look at signal strength of the router configuration page. point the antennae towards where you are looking. Compare what you get with laptop or cellphone to give you a guide as to what 'hot' is. If you are getting say 8 and everywhere in the room is the same then no good, move on. Once you are up to 30 then you're warm:hot. If you can't seem to get a hotspot but you have a consistently high value in one room it is likely inside something in that room. Sudden wierd hotspots like in the middle of the room in the air means it is obscured but not completely, in between things, e.g. books and you are crossing a 'line of sight'. Good luck.